

Provide some information on the required data format of torchdms and perhaps a tutorial on how to go from a CSV file to a pickled object.


Prepping data for model fitting in torchdms.data.


Creating models with torchdms.model.


Training models with torchdms.analysis and torchdms.loss.


Evaluating model performance with torchdms.evaluation and torchdms.plot.

CLI tutorials

The command line interface is called tdms, and has nested subcommands.


The link below is broken or private. We also need a demo of how to create the pickle file—Zorian has a notebook we could use?

To use torchdms, first build a dataframe of mutations, and pickle that along with the wildtype sequence as for Tyler’s VRC01 data.

Then prepare data for use by torchdms (this example partitions by library and has both affinity and expression):

tdms prep --per-stratum-variants-for-test 500 \
    --skip-stratum-if-count-is-smaller-than 2000 \
    --partition-by library \
    df_and_wtseq.pkl \
    prepped \
    affinity_score expr_score

Now we create a model:

tdms create prepped_libA2.pkl my.model "Conditional;[100, 10, 1, 20];["relu", "relu", None, "relu"]"

We can train the model with various settings:

tdms train my.model prepped_libA2.pkl --independent-starts 0 --epochs 10

You now have a trained model which you can evaluate on test data using the error, scatter, geplot, and beta subcommands.

Rather than use command line flags, you can use a JSON-format configuration file that might look like

    "default": {
        "data_path": "/path/to/data.pkl",
        "loss_fn": "l1",
        "model_string": "Conditional;[100, 10, 1, 20];['relu', 'relu', None, 'relu']",
        "prefix": "run",
        "seed": 0

If you supply it to one of the subcommands using the --config flag, this will use the keys of the JSON as command line flags. Note that hyphens in command line arguments become underscores in the JSON, for example loss-fn becomes loss_fn.

You can build a model, train, and evaluate using tdms go, which works well with such a JSON configuration file (say it is saved as config.json):

tdms go --config config.json