Source code for historydag.mutation_annotated_dag

"""This module allows the loading and manipulation of Larch mutation annotated
DAG protobuf files.

The resulting history DAG contains labels with 'compact genomes', and a
'refseq' attribute describing a reference sequence and set of mutations
relative to the reference.

from frozendict import frozendict
from historydag.dag import HistoryDag, HistoryDagNode, UANode, EdgeSet
import historydag.utils
from historydag.compact_genome import (
from historydag.parsimony_utils import (
import historydag.dag_pb2 as dpb
import json
from math import log
from typing import NamedTuple, Callable

_pb_nuc_lookup = {0: "A", 1: "C", 2: "G", 3: "T"}
_pb_nuc_codes = {nuc: code for code, nuc in _pb_nuc_lookup.items()}

def _pb_mut_to_str(mut):
    """Unpack protobuf-encoded mutation into 1-indexed mutations string."""
    return (
        _pb_nuc_lookup[mut.par_nuc] + str(mut.position) + _pb_nuc_lookup[mut.mut_nuc[0]]

[docs] class HDagJSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
[docs] def default(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, CompactGenome): return dict(obj.mutations) elif isinstance(obj, frozendict): return dict(obj) elif isinstance(obj, frozenset): return list(obj) return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
[docs] class NodeIDHistoryDag(HistoryDag): """A HistoryDag subclass with node labels containing string ``node_id`` fields. For leaf nodes this string is a unique leaf identifier, and for internal nodes this is a string representation of an integer node ID. """ _required_label_fields = {"node_id": []} _default_args = frozendict( { "start_func": (lambda n: 0), "optimal_func": min, "accum_func": sum, } )
[docs] class CGHistoryDag(HistoryDag): """A HistoryDag subclass with node labels containing CompactGenome objects. The constructor for this class requires that each node label contain a 'compact_genome' field, which is expected to hold a :class:`compact_genome.CompactGenome` object. A HistoryDag containing 'sequence' node label fields may be automatically converted to this subclass by calling the class method :meth:`CGHistoryDag.from_dag`, providing the HistoryDag object to be converted, and the reference sequence to the keyword argument 'reference'. This subclass provides specialized methods for interfacing with Larch's MADAG protobuf format """ _required_label_fields = { "compact_genome": [ ( ("sequence",), lambda n, reference, **kwargs: compact_genome_from_sequence( n.label.sequence, reference, **kwargs ), ) ] } _default_args = frozendict(compact_genome_hamming_distance_countfuncs) | { "start_func": (lambda n: 0), "optimal_func": min, } # #### Overridden Methods ####
[docs] def weight_counts_with_ambiguities(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError( "This method is only implemented for DAGs with node labels containing sequences." )
[docs] def summary(self): HistoryDag.summary(self) min_pars, max_pars = self.weight_range_annotate( **compact_genome_hamming_distance_countfuncs ) print(f"Parsimony score range {min_pars} to {max_pars}")
[docs] def hamming_parsimony_count(self): """See :meth:`historydag.sequence_dag.SequenceHistoryDag.hamming_parsim ony_count`""" return self.weight_count(**compact_genome_hamming_distance_countfuncs)
# #### CGHistoryDag-Specific Methods #### def _get_mut_func(self): refseq = self.get_reference_sequence() empty_cg = CompactGenome(dict(), refseq) def mut_func(pnode, cnode, **kwargs): if pnode.is_ua_node(): parent_seq = empty_cg else: parent_seq = pnode.label.compact_genome return cg_diff(parent_seq, cnode.label.compact_genome) return mut_func
[docs] def to_protobuf( self, leaf_data_func=None, randomize_leaf_muts=False, transition_model=default_nt_transitions, ): """Convert a DAG with compact genome data on each node, and unique leaf IDs on leaf nodes, to a MAD protobuf with mutation information on edges. Args: leaf_data_func: a function taking a DAG node and returning a string to store in the protobuf node_name field `condensed_leaves` of leaf nodes. On leaf nodes, this data is appended after the unique leaf ID. randomize_leaf_muts: When leaf node sequences contain ambiguities, if True the mutations on pendant edges will be randomized, when there are multiple choices. transition_model: A :meth:`historydag.parsimony_utils.TransitionModel` object, used to decide which bases to record on pendant edge mutations with ambiguous bases as targets. Note that internal node IDs will be reassigned, even if internal nodes have node IDs in their label data. """ mut_func = self._get_mut_func() # Create unique leaf IDs if the node_id field isn't available if "node_id" in self.get_label_type()._fields: def get_leaf_id(node): return node.label.node_id else: leaf_id_map = {n: f"s{idx}" for idx, n in enumerate(self.get_leaves())} def get_leaf_id(node): return leaf_id_map[node] def key_func(cladeitem): clade, _ = cladeitem return sorted( sorted(idx for idx in label.compact_genome.mutations) for label in clade ) node_dict = {} data = for idx, node in enumerate(self.postorder()): node_dict[node] = idx node_name = data.node_names.add() node_name.node_id = idx if node.is_leaf(): node_name.condensed_leaves.append(get_leaf_id(node)) if leaf_data_func is not None: node_name.condensed_leaves.append(leaf_data_func(node)) for node in self.postorder(): for cladeidx, (clade, edgeset) in enumerate( sorted(node.clades.items(), key=key_func) ): for child in edgeset.targets: edge = data.edges.add() edge.parent_node = node_dict[node] edge.parent_clade = cladeidx edge.child_node = node_dict[child] for par_nuc, child_nuc, idx in mut_func( node, child, randomize=randomize_leaf_muts, transition_model=transition_model, ): mut = edge.edge_mutations.add() mut.position = idx mut.par_nuc = _pb_nuc_codes[par_nuc.upper()] mut.mut_nuc.append(_pb_nuc_codes[child_nuc.upper()]) data.reference_seq = self.get_reference_sequence() data.reference_id = ( self.attr["refseqid"] if "refseqid" in self.attr else "unknown_seqid" ) return data
[docs] def to_protobuf_file( self, filename, leaf_data_func=None, randomize_leaf_muts=False ): """Write this CGHistoryDag to a Mutation Annotated DAG protobuf for use with Larch.""" data = self.to_protobuf( leaf_data_func=leaf_data_func, randomize_leaf_muts=randomize_leaf_muts ) with open(filename, "wb") as fh: fh.write(data.SerializeToString())
[docs] def flatten(self, sort_compact_genomes=False): """Return a dictionary containing four keys: * `refseq` is a list containing the reference sequence id, and the reference sequence (the implied sequence on the UA node) * `compact_genome_list` is a list of compact genomes, where each compact genome is a list of nested lists `[seq_idx, [old_base, new_base]]` where `seq_idx` is (1-indexed) nucleotide sequence site. If sort_compact_genomes is True, compact genomes and `compact_genome_list` are sorted. * `node_list` is a list of `[label_idx, clade_list]` pairs, where * `label_idx` is the index of the node's compact genome in `compact_genome_list`, and * `clade_list` is a list of lists of `compact_genome_list` indices, encoding sets of child clades. * `edge_list` is a list of triples `[parent_idx, child_idx, clade_idx]`, where * `parent_idx` is the index of the edge's parent node in `node_list`, * `child_idx` is the index of the edge's child node in `node_list`, and * `clade_idx` is the index of the clade in the parent node's `clade_list` from which this edge descends. """ compact_genome_list = [] node_list = [] edge_list = [] node_indices = {} cg_indices = {} def get_child_clades(node): return [ frozenset(cg_indices[label] for label in clade) for clade in node.clades ] def get_compact_genome(node): if node.is_ua_node(): return [] else: ret = [ [idx, list(bases)] for idx, bases in node.label.compact_genome.mutations.items() ] if sort_compact_genomes: ret.sort() return ret for node in self.postorder(): node_cg = get_compact_genome(node) if node.label not in cg_indices: cg_indices[node.label] = len(compact_genome_list) compact_genome_list.append(node_cg) if sort_compact_genomes: cgindexlist = sorted(enumerate(compact_genome_list), key=lambda t: t[1]) compact_genome_list = [cg for _, cg in cgindexlist] # the rearrangement is a bijection of indices indexmap = { oldidx: newidx for newidx, (oldidx, _) in enumerate(cgindexlist) } for key in cg_indices: cg_indices[key] = indexmap[cg_indices[key]] for node_idx, node in enumerate(self.postorder()): node_indices[id(node)] = node_idx node_list.append((cg_indices[node.label], get_child_clades(node))) for clade_idx, (clade, eset) in enumerate(node.clades.items()): for child in eset.targets: edge_list.append((node_idx, node_indices[id(child)], clade_idx)) if "refseq" in self.attr: refseqid = self.attr["refseq"] else: refseqid = "unknown_seqid" return { "refseq": (refseqid, self.get_reference_sequence()), "compact_genomes": compact_genome_list, "nodes": node_list, "edges": edge_list, }
[docs] def test_equal(self, other): """Deprecated test for whether two history DAGs are equal. Compares sorted JSON representation. Only works when "compact_genome" is the only label field, on all nodes. """ flatdag1 = self.flatten() flatdag2 = other.flatten() cg_list1 = flatdag1["compact_genomes"] cg_list2 = flatdag2["compact_genomes"] def get_edge_set(flatdag): edgelist = flatdag["edges"] nodelist = flatdag["nodes"] def convert_flatnode(flatnode): label_idx, clade_list = flatnode clades = frozenset( frozenset(label_idx_list) for label_idx_list in clade_list ) return (label_idx, clades) nodelist = [convert_flatnode(node) for node in nodelist] return frozenset( (nodelist[p_idx], nodelist[c_idx]) for p_idx, c_idx, _ in edgelist ) return cg_list1 == cg_list2 and get_edge_set(flatdag1) == get_edge_set(flatdag2)
[docs] def get_reference_sequence(self): """Return the reference sequence for this CGHistoryDag. This is the sequence with respect to which all node label CompactGenomes record mutations. """ return next(self.preorder(skip_ua_node=True)).label.compact_genome.reference
def _check_valid(self, *args, **kwargs): assert super()._check_valid(*args, **kwargs) reference = self.get_reference_sequence() for node in self.preorder(skip_ua_node=True): if node.label.compact_genome.reference != reference: raise ValueError( "Multiple compact genome reference sequences found in node label CompactGenomes." ) return True
[docs] def to_json(self, sort_compact_genomes=False): """Write this history DAG to a JSON object.""" return json.dumps( self.flatten(sort_compact_genomes=sort_compact_genomes), cls=HDagJSONEncoder )
[docs] def to_json_file(self, filename, sort_compact_genomes=False): """Write this history DAG to a JSON file.""" with open(filename, "w") as fh: fh.write(self.to_json(sort_compact_genomes=sort_compact_genomes))
[docs] def adjusted_node_probabilities( self, log_probabilities=False, ua_node_val=None, adjust_func: Callable[[HistoryDagNode, HistoryDagNode], float] = None, **kwargs, ): """Compute the probability of each node in the DAG, adjusted based on the frequency of mutations that define each node. See :meth:`HistoryDag.node_probabilities` for argument descriptions. """ if adjust_func is None: uncollapsed = False mut_freq = {} # (parent_nuc, child_nuc, sequence_index) -> frequency edge_counts = self.count_edges() total_muts = 0 for child in reversed(list(self.postorder())): if not child.is_root(): for parent in child.parents: if parent.is_root() or child.is_leaf(): continue muts = list( cg_diff( parent.label.compact_genome, child.label.compact_genome ) ) if len(muts) == 0: uncollapsed = True for mut in muts: if mut not in mut_freq: mut_freq[mut] = 0 mut_freq[mut] += edge_counts[(parent, child)] total_muts += edge_counts[(parent, child)] if uncollapsed: raise Warning("Support adjustment on uncollapsed DAG.") min_mut_freq = 1 for mut in mut_freq.keys(): mut_freq[mut] /= total_muts assert mut_freq[mut] <= 1 and mut_freq[mut] >= 1 / total_muts if mut_freq[mut] < min_mut_freq: min_mut_freq = mut_freq[mut] # TODO: Inspect this further to gather stats about what type of mutations are most common # print(mut_freq) # Returns a value in [0, 1] that indicates the correct adjustment if log_probabilities: def adjust_func(parent, child, min_mut_freq=min_mut_freq, eps=1e-2): if parent.is_root() or child.is_leaf(): return 0 else: diff = [ mut for mut in cg_diff( parent.label.compact_genome, child.label.compact_genome ) ] if len(diff) == 0: return log(eps * min_mut_freq) else: return log( 1 -[mut_freq[mut] for mut in diff]) ) else: def adjust_func(parent, child, min_mut_freq=min_mut_freq, eps=1e-2): if parent.is_root() or child.is_leaf(): return 1 else: diff = [ mut for mut in cg_diff( parent.label.compact_genome, child.label.compact_genome ) ] if len(diff) == 0: return eps * min_mut_freq return 1 - [mut_freq[mut] for mut in diff] ) return self.node_probabilities( log_probabilities=log_probabilities, adjust_func=adjust_func, ua_node_val=ua_node_val, **kwargs, )
[docs] class AmbiguousLeafCGHistoryDag(CGHistoryDag): """A HistoryDag subclass with node labels containing compact genomes. The constructor for this class requires that each node label contain a 'compact_genome' field, which is expected to hold a :class:`compact_genome.CompactGenome` object, which is expected to hold an unambiguous sequence if the node is internal. The sequence may contain ambiguities if the node is a leaf. A HistoryDag containing 'sequence' node label fields may be automatically converted to this subclass by calling the class method :meth:`CGHistoryDag.from_dag`, providing the HistoryDag object to be converted, and the reference sequence to the keyword argument 'reference'. """ _default_args = frozendict( leaf_ambiguous_compact_genome_hamming_distance_countfuncs ) | { "start_func": (lambda n: 0), "optimal_func": min, } # #### Overridden Methods #### def _get_mut_func(self): refseq = self.get_reference_sequence() empty_cg = CompactGenome(dict(), refseq) def mut_func( pnode, cnode, randomize=False, transition_model=default_nt_transitions ): if pnode.is_ua_node(): parent_seq = empty_cg else: parent_seq = pnode.label.compact_genome if cnode.is_leaf(): # have to choose non-ambiguous mutations that minimize # edge weight. return ambiguous_cg_diff( parent_seq, cnode.label.compact_genome, randomize=randomize, transition_model=transition_model, ) else: return cg_diff(parent_seq, cnode.label.compact_genome) return mut_func
[docs] def hamming_parsimony_count(self): """See :meth:`historydag.sequence_dag.SequenceHistoryDag.hamming_parsim ony_count`""" return self.weight_count( **leaf_ambiguous_compact_genome_hamming_distance_countfuncs )
[docs] def summary(self): HistoryDag.summary(self) min_pars, max_pars = self.weight_range_annotate( **leaf_ambiguous_compact_genome_hamming_distance_countfuncs ) print(f"Parsimony score range {min_pars} to {max_pars}")
# #### End Overridden Methods ####
[docs] def load_json_file(filename): """Load a Mutation Annotated DAG stored in a JSON file and return a CGHistoryDag.""" with open(filename, "r") as fh: json_dict = json.load(fh) return unflatten(json_dict)
[docs] def unflatten(flat_dag): """Takes a dictionary like that returned by flatten, and returns a HistoryDag.""" refseqid, reference = flat_dag["refseq"] compact_genome_list = [ CompactGenome({idx: tuple(bases) for idx, bases in flat_cg}, reference) for flat_cg in flat_dag["compact_genomes"] ] node_list = flat_dag["nodes"] edge_list = flat_dag["edges"] Label = NamedTuple("Label", [("compact_genome", CompactGenome)]) def unpack_cladelabellists(cladelabelsetlist): return [ frozenset(Label(compact_genome_list[cg_idx]) for cg_idx in idx_clade) for idx_clade in cladelabelsetlist ] node_postorder = [] # a list of (node, [(clade, eset), ...]) tuples for cg_idx, cladelabellists in node_list: clade_eset_list = [ (clade, EdgeSet()) for clade in unpack_cladelabellists(cladelabellists) ] if len(clade_eset_list) == 1: # This must be the UA node label = historydag.utils.UALabel() else: label = Label(compact_genome_list[cg_idx]) try: node = HistoryDagNode(label, dict(clade_eset_list), attr=None) except ValueError: node = UANode(clade_eset_list[0][1]) node_postorder.append((node, clade_eset_list)) # adjust UA node label node_postorder[-1][0].label = historydag.utils.UALabel() # Add edges for parent_idx, child_idx, clade_idx in edge_list: node_postorder[parent_idx][1][clade_idx][1].add_to_edgeset( node_postorder[child_idx][0] ) # UA node is last in postorder dag = CGHistoryDag(node_postorder[-1][0]) dag.attr["refseq"] = refseqid # This shouldn't be necessary, but appears to be dag.recompute_parents() return dag
[docs] def load_MAD_protobuf( pbdata, compact_genomes=False, node_ids=True, leaf_cgs={}, ambiguity_map=standard_nt_ambiguity_map, ): """Convert a Larch MAD protobuf to a CGLeafIDHistoryDag with compact genomes in the `compact_genome` label attribute. Args: pbdata: loaded protobuf data object compact_genomes: If True, returns a CGHistoryDag or AmbiguousLeafCGHistoryDag object, with labels containing `node_id` and `compact_genome` fields. If no leaf sequence data is provided, leaf compact genomes will be inferred from pendant edge mutations, and will include ambiguities when mutations on two pendant edges pointing to the same leaf would otherwise contradict. `node_id` field on internal nodes will be None, unless `node_ids` argument is True. If False, this function will return a NodeIDHistoryDag. node_ids: If True, node IDs will be included on all nodes' labels. If False, internal nodes' `node_id` label fields will be `None`. Unique leaf sequence IDs are always included in the `node_id` label field of leaf nodes, to ensure that leaf node labels are unique. leaf_cgs: (not implemented) A dictionary keyed by unique string leaf IDs containing CompactGenomes. Use :meth:`compact_genome.read_alignment` to read an alignment from a file. ambiguity_map: A :meth:`historydag.parsimony_utils.AmbiguityMap` object to determine how conflicting pendant edge mutations are represented. Note that if leaf sequences in the original alignment do not contain ambiguities, it is not necessary to provide alignment data; leaf sequences can be completely inferred without it. """ class PBDAG: """This class doesn't do much, just provides an interface to the protobuf data, as a DAG of integer node IDs, and provides methods to get history DAG node data for a given node ID.""" def __init__(self, pbdata): self.pbdata = pbdata self.reference = pbdata.reference_seq parent_edges = {node.node_id: [] for node in pbdata.node_names} # a list of list of a node's child edges child_edges = {node.node_id: [] for node in pbdata.node_names} for edge in pbdata.edges: parent_edges[edge.child_node].append(edge) child_edges[edge.parent_node].append(edge) self.child_edges = child_edges self.parent_edges = parent_edges # now each node id is in parent_edges and child_edges as a key, # fix the UA node's compact genome (could be done in function but this # asserts only one node has no parent edges) (ua_node_id,) = [ node_id for node_id, eset in parent_edges.items() if len(eset) == 0 ] self.ua_node_id = ua_node_id def traverse_postorder(node_id): # order node_ids in postordering visited = set() def traverse(node_id): visited.add(node_id) child_ids = [edge.child_node for edge in child_edges[node_id]] if len(child_ids) > 0: for child_id in child_ids: if child_id not in visited: yield from traverse(child_id) yield node_id yield from traverse(node_id) self.id_postorder = list(traverse_postorder(ua_node_id)) self.id_reverse_postorder = list(reversed(self.id_postorder)) self.node_id_to_cg = None if node_ids: def _id_func(nid): if self.is_leaf(nid): return pbdata.node_names[node_id].condensed_leaves[0] else: return str(nid) else: def _id_func(nid): if self.is_leaf(nid): return pbdata.node_names[node_id].condensed_leaves[0] else: return None if compact_genomes: self.return_type = CGHistoryDag self.label_fields = ("compact_genome", "node_id") self._label_funcs = (self.get_compact_genome, _id_func) else: self.label_fields = ("node_id",) self._label_funcs = (_id_func,) self.return_type = NodeIDHistoryDag def _build_compact_genomes(self): # These are built from ua node down, so must be built in # reverse postorder: # Also returns flag indicating if any compact genomes are ambiguous node_id_to_cg = { self.ua_node_id: CompactGenome(frozendict(), self.reference) } assert self.id_reverse_postorder[0] == self.ua_node_id ambiguous_flag = False def get_leaf_cg(node_id): leaf_id = pbdata.node_names[node_id].condensed_leaves[0] cg = leaf_cgs.get(leaf_id, None) if cg is not None: # If we're provided a leaf sequence dictionary, just assume # leaf sequences are ambiguous (otherwise it would be # unnecessary, except for speedup). If this assumption is # untrue, it can be fixed with HistoryDag subtype conversion return cg, True else: edges = self.parent_edges[node_id] str_mutations = [ tuple(_pb_mut_to_str(mut) for mut in edge.edge_mutations) for edge in edges ] return reconcile_cgs( [ node_id_to_cg[edge.parent_node].apply_muts(muts) for edge, muts in zip(edges, str_mutations) ], ambiguitymap=ambiguity_map, ) for node_id in self.id_reverse_postorder[1:]: if len(self.child_edges[node_id]) > 0: edge = self.parent_edges[node_id][0] parent_cg = node_id_to_cg[edge.parent_node] str_mutations = tuple( _pb_mut_to_str(mut) for mut in edge.edge_mutations ) node_id_to_cg[node_id] = parent_cg.apply_muts(str_mutations) else: # node_id belongs to leaf, must look at all parent edges to # look for contradictions (implying ambiguities) node_id_to_cg[node_id], ambig_flag = get_leaf_cg(node_id) ambiguous_flag = ambiguous_flag or ambig_flag self.node_id_to_cg = node_id_to_cg if ambiguous_flag: self.return_type = AmbiguousLeafCGHistoryDag def get_compact_genome(self, node_id): if self.node_id_to_cg is None: self._build_compact_genomes() return self.node_id_to_cg[node_id] def get_label(self, node_id): return tuple([lfunc(node_id) for lfunc in self._label_funcs]) def is_leaf(self, node_id): return len(self.child_edges[node_id]) == 0 def get_children(self, node_id): return [edge.child_node for edge in self.child_edges[node_id]] def get_parents(self, node_id): return [edge.parent_node for edge in self.parent_edges[node_id]] pbdag = PBDAG(pbdata) node_to_node_d = dict() node_id_to_node = dict() Label = NamedTuple("Label", [(label, any) for label in pbdag.label_fields]) # type: ignore for node_id in pbdag.id_postorder: # These have all been created already children = [ node_id_to_node[child_id] for child_id in pbdag.get_children(node_id) ] child_clades = frozenset({child.clade_union() for child in children}) if node_id == pbdag.ua_node_id: this_node = UANode(EdgeSet()) else: this_node = HistoryDagNode( Label(*pbdag.get_label(node_id)), {child_clade: EdgeSet() for child_clade in child_clades}, {"node_id": node_id}, ) # These lines are important when choice of label data # results in multiple protobuf nodes being the same in the # loaded DAG. this_node = node_to_node_d.get(this_node, this_node) node_to_node_d[this_node] = this_node # Update node_id dictionary node_id_to_node[node_id] = this_node # Add child edges of this_node for child in children: this_node.add_edge(child, weight=1, prob=1, prob_norm=False) # Last node in postorder should be UA node assert this_node.is_ua_node() dag = HistoryDag(this_node) return pbdag.return_type.from_history_dag(dag)
[docs] def load_MAD_protobuf_file(filename, **kwargs): """Load a mutation annotated DAG protobuf file and return a CGHistoryDag.""" with open(filename, "rb") as fh: pb_data = pb_data.ParseFromString( return load_MAD_protobuf(pb_data, **kwargs)